(Effective from 7 April to 4 May 2020)
Following the circuit breaker announcement by the Prime Minister at 4.00pm on 3 April 2020, AIMS Immigration & Relocation Specialist Pte Ltd will be temporarily closing our office at #25-04/05/06 International Plaza with effect from 7 April to 4 May 2020.
This is in line with the safe distancing measures to pre-empt the trend of increasing local transmission of COVID-19 in Singapore. (Read more…) [then when people click on read more, will link them to the text below]
As such, we will be operating from home. Please contact us should you have any enquiries:
- For enquiries on immigration-related matters:
Tel: 9456 1300 / 8298 2650 Email: assessment@aims.sg
- For enquiries on corporate and relocation-related matters:
Tel: 8298 2523 / 8298 2519 Email: relocation@aims.sg
- For existing clients on client support and documentation matters:
Tel: 8202 3627 / 8202 3629 / 9105 1950
- For finance-related matters:
Tel: 8298 2526 Email: accounts@aims.sg
- For courier services, please contact the following for redirection instruction:
Tel: 82023629 / 82982481 / 82982482 (AIMS will pay for the redirect courier charge)
We wish all to be safe and healthy. We will win this fight against COVID-19 as one Singapore.
#SGUnited #AIMSfightscovid19
Yours sincerely,
The Management
AIMS Immigration & Relocation Specialist Pte Ltd